perasaan baru kemaren rasanya curhat ngerayain tahun baru 2010, skrg dah taun baru lagi yaa.. but this time, we spent our new year's holiday only at home.. having barbeque at the front yard (secara ga punya halaman belakang :p)
# pengen punya hidup yang lebih baik : financially, physically, mentally (secara aku tuh orangnya cengeng kalo ngadepin masalah, walopun berharap tahun ini ga ada masalah, but well I think that is something impossible right?)
well.. kliatannya satu dulu, itupun dalem banget resolusinya.. ntar kalo ada lagi, diupdate deh yaa..
one thing for sure:
Happiness isn't having what you want
It's wanting what you have
in another word... remember to ALWAYS be grateful!
happy new year 2011..!!
# pengen punya hidup yang lebih baik : financially, physically, mentally (secara aku tuh orangnya cengeng kalo ngadepin masalah, walopun berharap tahun ini ga ada masalah, but well I think that is something impossible right?)
well.. kliatannya satu dulu, itupun dalem banget resolusinya.. ntar kalo ada lagi, diupdate deh yaa..
one thing for sure:
Happiness isn't having what you want
It's wanting what you have
in another word... remember to ALWAYS be grateful!
happy new year 2011..!!